The automated L-rack solution is the ideal option for customers who use L-racks from any manufacturer as an internal means of transporting glasses.
Up to 8 L-racks can be buffered in the modular L-rack loading system. These are taken over cyclically by the positioning system and fed to the robot, which loads the systron machine fully automatically. Depending on the product mix, the robot can also operate a second machine face-to-face.
- Optimal operating process without downtime due to handling, breaks or shift changes
- Up to 8 hours of production without a machine operator
- Capacity increase by ~ 30%
- Increase in quality by minimizing handling
With this solution, the machine operator can either manually remove the products after the visual inspection OR a robot can automatically unload the processed panes OR a rack unloading station can be installed to implement a fully automatic loading and unloading process. All systron machines can be supplied and retrofitted with the automatic L-rack solution.